Wise Panel Systems

Minimizes conduction of heat & cold
Significantly reduces air infiltration
Improves acoustics and protects against fire
No off-gassing or harmful chemicals
EnergyStar™ compliant pre-Insulated steel framing
Protects against mildew and decay and consequently there is no food source for mold or for termites
Every structure comes with an energy usage guarantee of ultra-energy efficient performance and comfort
Wise expanded polystyrene (EPS) is not subject to thermal drift, meaning its
R-value remains constant throughout the life of the building.
U.S. Department of Energy
Wise panels are thermally broken, light weight composite building components that provide five functions in one fast and easy step
Wise panels may be used for:
Exterior Walls
Interior Walls
Combinations of these pre-insulated components are screwed together to form a unique high performance energy shell that is fast, lightweight and extremely strong with superior thermal and acoustical properties.
Wise panels are ideal for
residential, commercial
and industrial applications
Available in 3½, 4, 5½, 7½, 9½, and 11½ inch thicknesses and 2, 3, & 4 foot widths
Lengths of 8, 9, 10 & 12 feet
Wise SteEl header installation

The Shortcomings of Conventional Stick Framing
Typical stud wall designs place cavity insulation between the studs. This results in an uneven thermal distribution over the wall. The highly conductive studs act as thermal short circuits, where heat moves rapidly around the cavity insulation, reducing the system’s thermal performance. These thermal shorts can reduce the R-value of insulation by more than 50 percent of its rated value. What’s more, adding thicker insulation between the studs will not significantly improve thermal performance, nor will increasing stud size or spacing – making it physically impossible to achieve an R-19 stud wall with R-19 rated mineral fiber insulation by itself.
The Dow Chemical Company – White Paper
Unique Builder Benefits
Cuts framing time of exterior walls by as much as 50%
No cranes needed as with heavy wood S.I.P. panels
Incredibly quiet wall system
Turns any structure into an igloo cooler that happens to have windows and doors
Exceeds the Performance Criteria of the 2021 IECC Energy Code
Pre-molded areas for electrical chases
Vertical and lateral load-bearing capabilities
Waste and clean-up cost are minimal